Give Human Resources access to edit Active Directory user account properties, reset password, unlock accounts, enable / disable users, and more using a simple but powerful customizable web interface. Directory Manager enables authorized users such as a department secretary, human resources personnel, a receptionist, or Tier 1 support personnel to update Active Directory user and contact information while following rules defined by the administrator. Maximize your Microsoft investment by ensuring user information is standardized and consistent.
Direcdtory Manager Features
User Information Update
Customizable web interface allows authorized users to update other users phone numbers, address, title, department, company, or other information.
Password Reset
Reset other users passwords while following organizational password policies.
Account Management
Enable or disable user accounts, unlock accounts that are locked out, and set account expiration dates.
Office 365 Photo Upload
Photos can be uploaded to your local Active Directory as well as directly to Microsoft 365 (M365) photos.
Data Validation
Standardize and structure user input using required fields, default values, dropdown lists, and data formatting rules.
Address Sets
The address sets feature enables easy selection of address fields based on the selection of a single value such the office name.
Define a relationship between two fields (such as Division to Department) such that users only see relevant choices in dropdown lists.
Export Active Directory user search results to a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet.
Help Desk Challenge
When integrated with Directory Update, user can select security questions or Authenticator Id that can enable Help Desk to verify user identity.
Configuration is easy via XML configuration files. All help text, buttons text, note fields, and field labels can be changed.
PowerShell Integration
Execute customer developed PowerShell scripts each time a user performs an update.
Audit Log
Each user's last update time can be written to Active Directory. Usage and updates also written to CSV files.
Email Notification
Send email notifications to the end user, their manager, or a pre-defined email address documenting changes made.
Direcdtory Manager Advanced Features
User Creation
Wizard and template driven user account creation ensures that user information and group membership is standard. User account creation can be delegated to Human Resources.
User Deletion
User accounts can be deleted by authorized user. Soft deletion feature disables and hides user account while removing user from assigned security or email groups.
Group Management
Authorized user can add and remove user accounts from security or distribution groups. Sensitive groups can be hidden so that Directory Manager user cannot add users to a sensitive group.
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User Interface
Release Notes and Product Updates
Directory Manager has been in almost continual development since 2007. We release a new version about once every six to nine months. The features and functionality in those new releases reflect customer requests, bug fixes, updates to support new browsers/operating systems, and more.
Directory Manager v3.5
Added the secure LDAP (LDAPS) connections to Azure Active Directory for secure LDAP connections.
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.5.9 | Advanced Mode - Updated Group Management to also exclude security groups from user's current groups if excludeSecurityGroups option is enabled in AdvancedModeSettings. |
3.5.8 | Added the httpCookies setting to the web.config file. Customers can increase security if they add an SSL certificate to their web site; they can then change requireSSL="false” to “true”. |
3.5.7 | Added "date" field type in DirectorySettings to support UTC Generalized Time attributes |
3.5.6 | Fixed the log off and help button to hide the icon when set to not visible |
3.5.5 |
3.5.4 | Fixed the issue with the confirmation message that did not display the message if the photo is not visible or editable. |
3.5.3 | Fixed the showOnlyExchangeEnabledUsers filter to use the "mail" attribute instead of "mailNickName" attribute as a filter. |
3.5.2 | Updated the Azure Identity SDK for .NET to 1.10.3 version to mitigate the Azure Identity SD Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. |
3.5.1 | Updated an email notification to also send the email to a new manager when the manager field has been updated. |
Directory Manager v3.4
Updated M365 photo update to use Microsoft.Graph
Updated .NET Framework to .NET Framework 4.8
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.4.6 | Fixed the issue when users used a UPN (UserPrincipalName) to log in. |
3.4.5 | Fixed the issue when there was an error when updating info and an exception was not thrown because the an Asynchronous method. |
3.4.4 | Fixed the Sub set and Address set in the user creation (Advanced Mode). |
3.4.3 | Fixed the issue when getting users groups with authorization group. |
3.4.2 |
3.4.1 | Updated jquery to v3.6.1 |
Directory Manager v3.3
Added the Authenticator App option to allow the help desk to verify a user's identity before reseting the user's password.
Added the ability to execute a PowerShell script after user information updated.
Combined authorized user groups for each tab into one section in AppSettings.xml.
Updated SubSettings.xml and AddressSettings.xml to the new format and included those files in Settings Updater wizard.
Added a custom LDAP filter for lookup fields.
Updated the user list's column filters to work with export function.
Added an Edit button in the expand view.
Updated the country field, so it can be read-only when used in Address Set.
Added the show password button for password fields in Password Management tab.
Updated the Account Management tab to have an option to set fields to be read-only and a refresh button.
Fixed the interface issues with double wide and horizon form in user information window.
Encrypted query strings for user information window.
Removed Telerik's RadAsyncUpload from photo upload feature and disabled AsyncUpload Handler in web.config
Updated Bootstrap to v4.6.
Moved configuration wizard binaries, settings updater binaries, and setup logs to "c:\Program Files" folder
Advanced mode
Improved the validations of generated fields to provide error message earlier in the process.
Added the ability to execute a PowerShell script after user deleted
Combined authorized user groups for each section into one section in AdvancedModeSettings.xml.
Added the show password button for password fields in User Creation.
Added a search box for available groups in Group Management tab.
Added email notification in user creation template to send a copy of email notification to additional email address.
Encrypted query strings for user creation window.
Improved the validations of generated fields to provide error message earlier in the process.
Added the ability to execute a PowerShell script after user deleted
Combined authorized user groups for each section into one section in AdvancedModeSettings.xml.
Added the show password button for password fields in User Creation.
Added a search box for available groups in Group Management tab.
Added email notification in user creation template to send a copy of email notification to additional email address.
Encrypted query strings for user creation window.
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.3.2 | Fixed the AccountManagement's email notification issue. |
3.3.1 |
Directory Manager v3.2
Contains all cumulative updates and compatibility updates.
Updates Telerik AJAX controls to address potential security issue.
Adds location in web.config file for customer generated machine validation keys.
Use Directory Manager v3.1 license key and all XML files.
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.2.9 | Fixed the user creation that set the userAccountControl to passwordNotRequired flag. |
3.2.8 | Fixed the default value in user creation that is not set if the subset is enabled. |
3.2.7 | Fixed the clear button of search box when showInitialResults="false" to not show user list table. |
3.2.6 | Fixed the user creation to allow blank group so a new user is created with "Domain Users" group. |
3.2.5 |
Fixed the password strength indicator that could not be disabled in PasswordSettings.xml. |
3.2.4 |
Fixed the "Generate Password" button of User Creation to generate a random password based on minimum password length in PasswordSettings.xml. Fixed the user creation when a common name contains a comma. |
3.2.3 | Updated the advanced mode's user creation to check if the generated field already exists and its format uses initials then try to generate a unique value by incrementing the number of initials. |
3.2.2 | Added subset, addressset, and country-phone validation features to the advanced mode's user creation. |
3.2.1 | Fixed the home directory field in the advanced mode's user creation to allow any fields to be used for home directory not just the username field and add validation to check if the home directory already exists. |
Directory Manager v3.1
Windows Server 2016 compatibility
Security Challenge Questions allow the help desk to verify a user's identity before reseting the user password.
Search by OU (organizational unit) feature allows administrators to specify a list of OUs and a friendly name for each. When a user selects an OU, only the users and contacts in that OU (and all sub OUs) are displayed.
Fields (attributes) can now be moved around and added to the interface by modifying only the DirectorySettings.XML file (no modifications required in ASPX files!).
Improved photo upload feature; more intuitive and fewer clicks to upload a photo.
New boolean attribute type; set field type to "checkbox".
Limited abilities to specify authorized users based on the organizational unit (OU) in which the user account is contained.
Updated screen and sizing controls; now using Bootstrap style sheets for better screen resizing.
Attributes' LDAP attribute names and maximum field lengths are now defined in the XML file.
Miscellaneous bug fixes, browser compatibility fixes, and improved error detection.
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.1.9 |
3.1.8 | Fixed the direct reports in expand view to be displayed with comma separated when there are multiple values. |
3.1.7 | Updated prerequisite script to support Windows 2019. |
3.1.6 |
3.1.5 | Fixed the "Save and Close" button when there is an error occurred and to leave the window open and show the error message. |
3.1.4 | Fixed the email notification for user information tab to not send an email if no data updated but the "Save" button is clicked. |
3.1.3 | Updated user deletion |
3.1.2 |
3.1.1 |
Added a confirmation message for user information tab. Updates for Advanced mode |
Directory Manager v3.0
Windows Server 2016 compatibility
Security Challenge Questions allow the help desk to verify a user's identity before reseting the user password.
Search by OU (organizational unit) feature allows administrators to specify a list of OUs and a friendly name for each. When a user selects an OU, only the users and contacts in that OU (and all sub OUs) are displayed.
Fields (attributes) can now be moved around and added to the interface by modifying only the DirectorySettings.XML file (no modifications required in ASPX files!).
Improved photo upload feature; more intuitive and fewer clicks to upload a photo.
New boolean attribute type; set field type to "checkbox".
Limited abilities to specify authorized users based on the organizational unit (OU) in which the user account is contained.
Updated screen and sizing controls; now using Bootstrap style sheets for better screen resizing.
Attributes' LDAP attribute names and maximum field lengths are now defined in the XML file.
Miscellaneous bug fixes, browser compatibility fixes, and improved error detection.
Versions | Changes / Bug Fixes |
3.0.9 |
3.0.8 | Changed the updatedBy variable in email notification to show the display name instead of username. |
3.0.7 | Fixed the issue with the search box when searching for manager. |
3.0.6 | Fixed direct report when was set to be visible. |
3.0.5 |
3.0.4 | Fixed issue when service account's password has been changed to show error when LDAP connection fails. |
3.0.3 | Fixed PDF export. Change default page orientation for the PDF file to landscape. |
3.0.2 |
3.0.1 | Added search by OU feature. |