Our demo pages are running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual server hosted on Amazon Web Services. Each of the demo sites have a typical configuration of fields/attributes that are visible and/or editable. Our customers typically customize the available fields, add drop-down lists, and phone number validation to their specific requirements.
Directory Update
The Directory Update online demo provides you an easy way to see one possible configuration
for Directory Update. This allows you to connect to our demo server and logon as
a test user. Some fields are enabled and some fields are not. When you are directed
to the demo site, you will be provided the user logon information.
Directory Manager
The Directory Manager online demo provides access to our demo site where you can
log on as an authorized user and update information in our test environment. You
can browse, search, and edit user information. The photo editing feature, password
management, and the account enable/disable features are not enabled for this demo.
Directory Manager Advanced
The Directory Manager Advanced online demo provides access to our demo site where you can
log on as an authorized user in our test environment. You can create user/contact accounts,
manage group membership, and delete user/contact accounts. Just click the "+" button to add a user.
Directory Search
The Directory Search online demo page is configured for anonymous access and allows
you to view the company phone directory for a fictional company. You can browse,
search, and view user information.
Directory Password
The Directory Password online demo allows you to enter the test user name, select either Authenticator app
or secutiy questions with provided answers to verify the user's identity, and then reset the user's password.